Rainbow Bridge
Never to be forgotten

Sarah was an old gal who was diagnosed with eye cancer in 2017. She was raised with love and it shows. Sadly her former home/ family thought they would have to put her down so they kept her, after re-homing the younger, healthier cows. However, this old bird was a fighter! They reached out to us as they were hoping to find her a "retirement home" until she was ready to pass onto the next life. Her and Booger were best buds and rarely apart. Sadly, Sarah lost her fight late summer 2019. The herd and humans mourned and we will never forget her sweet, strong, playful presence.

Our sweet old Petunia passed away at an approximate age of 17. She was the first Mini pig and the one who taught us the most.
Petunia came to us Easter 2014. She lived in a barn and didn't have any buddies. She didn't care to be touched, but would come when called and take treats. She had made many new friends in the 6 years she was with us! She was stoic in nature but could be quite mischievous, as you can see from her profile picture! She was an absolute love and when you looked at her you couldnt help but feel she was looking into you. She was a wise soul and has taught us all so much about "mini" pigs.

Mischievous Merle. Long time family member and one of our most lovable seniors! He loved to get into and climb on everything. He was a big boy and he knew it! The resident ninja goat, he would creep up on the unsuspecting! He had a heart of gold and loved everyone he met as every one who met him fell in love with his big personality!

Staley was a sole surviving bottle baby at another farm, several years ago. He lived as a cow for a bit but really needed to be with other goats. He moved here at a young age and settled in fast! Staley, was one of the OG goats here at Magzalea and is missed every day.
Shadow, Shady man, Slim Shady, this guy was the ruler of the equines. What a presence he had. He was a senior ex carnie mini horse from Rhode Island. He had attitude and humor like you wouldn't believe. I'll never forget the day he came here. He immediately made himself at home and started calling the shots. He was the first to greet people and loved to show off for them. Not sure there will ever be another like him.

Izzy, was the happiest guy. He was one of the naughtiest guys. Iz had some deep rooted behavioral issues, after yaers of working with him we just came to accept him as the individual he was. His tail was always wagging and he was always smiling. We kept him safe in his space and didnt allow any unsupervised visitors. All that being said, he loved his chicken and duck friends! He shared his feed with them, slept with them, and was always sweet as can be with them! Though he would have most likely been euthanized for his bad behavior if sent to a shelter, we were devoted to giving him a good life and we truly miss his big personality.