Violet and Boomer are 2 seniors rescued early winter 2023. The two were unable to receive the proper care they needed. Both had not been shorn in several years nor had their feet trimmed. Both are severely underweight and are currently being rehabbed to get them back in shape so they can enjoy their golden years. We have since had the extra weight shorn off and their hooves trimmed. They are on a special diet and supplement regime to help them get back to themselves. Boomer is a very happy guy and has been bouncing around daily since getting a haircut! Violet was a bit more shy but now that she knows we bring the food, she wants to be pals!
Both need a few special people to be their sponsors. Could this be you?

Zeb & Ziggy. Rescued early spring 2014. Our first ever "bottle babies". It was cold and raw and Zeb lost portions of both his hind legs to frost bite. One right above the hoof and the other below the knee. When we picked him up we had also found Ziggy, thin and neglected by his mom. We really didnt think he was going to make it the night but wanted to try. After weeks of around the clock care both boys made a full recovery. They are now full grown and still best buddies, to eachother, and us!

When Eleanor was rescued late winter 2022, she had been down and unable to get up, stand or walk for over two weeks. The chances of getting back up was very slim. Eleanor was 10 years old at the time AND very pregnant with quadruplets. We had to make a choice with her vet. Either save her and possibly lose the babies or save the babies and most likely lose her. No decision anyone ever wants to make. With all Eleanor have sacrificed in her life and all she had been through we made the choice to save her. Eleanor was induced and gave birth to 4 babies. Sadly, she lost her daughter, Nora, shortly after. Alma, Otto and Levi all pulled through and thrived. They gave Eleanor the fight she needed. Physical therapy, wheel chairs, and 24/7 care and months later, she regained her ability to walk! Now you would never even know.
Eleanor now gets to relax and enjoy her final years WITH her children and family/ friends.
Eleanor could use a sponsor for her golden years. Is this you?

Zeppelin and Zinnia joined the family in 2015. Both were used for 4H and at the end of the season were going to be sent to auction which would have most likely resulted in slaughter for him and Zinnia or she would have wound up a breeder. We were fortunate to find out about him and Zinnia before it was too late. He is the smallest but the mightiest . He doesn't like when others rough house or fight , he breaks up any mischief in his presence. He is quiet and curious yet still maintains order! Zinnia is the sweetest and acts like the flock mom. She is so attentive and caring to all.

Liza is one of the senior residents. She almost lost her life to mastitis at her previous home. The couple no longer wanted to farm sheep and re-homed the flock. They were concerned about Lizas health and didnt want to risk her ever being bred again so they reached out to us. Sadly, re-homing most farmed animals comes with the risk of them being bred or farmed for slaughter. Liza is such a loving and quiet old gal. She loves to be loved on and tends to melt into the background. She likes to observe her friends more than participate. Thats ok, Liza. We get it!

Ah, Doris. The wacky old lady of the crew. Doris has that personality where she thinks everyone is out to get her. Like everything is a scam. She is very apprehensive of new things and is very set in her ways. Even after all these years she refuses to cooperate for even the simplest of things. Shes quirky as hell and we love her in all of her quirkiness! She takes being unique to whole new level.

Then there is Dharma, Doris' daughter. She acts just like her mama. Dharma was born in 2018, here at the sanctuary, and she still has her mothers heightened sense to watch over her shoulder. She is much better with us than her mama but still not as trusting as the rest of her flock.
If you would like to sponsor any one of these amazing individuals, we know they would be so grateful! You can personally sponsor OR a sponsorship for someone who loves animals is also a great gift. You choose the amount that fits your budget! You will receive a welcome kit and occasional snail mail from your "adopted" resident.