If you would like to sponsor any one of these amazing individuals, we know they would be so grateful! You can personally sponsor OR a sponsorship for someone who loves animals is also a great gift. You choose the amount that fits your budget! You will receive a welcome kit and occasional snail mail from your "adopted" resident.
Charlie, the llama amongst the alpacas. Charlie was rescued from a kill pen in 2018 by a kind woman who nursed him back to health. He was placed in another home but didn't fit in well. Charlie came here February 2019 and has been a perfect fit. He is stoic yet sweet. He tolerates all the alpaca shenanigans! He's found his perfect home.
Sammy has been at the sanctuary since 2014. He is the goof in the group. He's a clumsy dude. He tends to trip over things or into things as he is so focused on what he wants... usually food. Sammy is infamous for being protective of his pals though. He does not like when we have to give vaccinations or meds. He tends to sneak up and bite or kick us. We know its out of the kindness of his heart so its hard to get upset with him. He loves his friends THAT much. The only caveat is when there is food involved. Sammy loves his food. Its the only thing he loves more than his friends.
Tia is one of our senior gals. She came in 2014 with Sammy from a farm that dissolved up in Maine. Tia's best friend is Greta, the resident emu. She is extremely possessive of her soaked feed. She "growls" at anyone, other than Greta, that attempts to sneak a bite! Other than that, she is a complete love. She loves laying out in the sun and sharing the pool with Greta.
Tia has bad teeth and therefore has a hard time chewing hay. She requires soaked forage and extra supplements in her old age. She could use a sponsor, could that be you?
Honey is one of our eldest alpaca residents. She is also the guardian of the girls. Nobody gets past her that shouldn't. She has a very distinct chirp/ scream to alarm everyone of anyone or anything usual. Honey gets along with everyone and is always welcoming to anyone new. She takes the role of herd matriarch to a high level.
Honeys teeth are not what they were when she was younger. She has a hard time thoroughly chewing hay. She requires soaked forage and extra supplements in her old age. She could use a sponsor, could that be you?
P Man, the alpaca formerly known as Prince. Yes, he is a Prince but hes also The Man! P is such a gentle dude. He is such a gentleman. He is such a happy guy! There is little he likes more than rolling in the dirt and laying out in the grass. He loves to run and pronk about. He also thinks hes of the Sheeples... he absolutely loves his sheep family. Maybe they are more his speed? Often you will find him in the wooded area laying about with the sheep fam.
Merida joined the family in 2019 with her companion, a senior gal named Luna. Sadly Luna has since passed on but Merida is thankfully still here enjoying sanctuary life. She is a bit more timid and prefers to be left alone to do her thing. We are happy to oblige. She is a very low maintenance resident and is just happy living her life with her "sisters".
Linda came with 3 senior friends in 2023. She is one funny character! Linda has an obsession with sniffing hair. I think she prefers our banana shampoo, haha! She is also the one who pushes others out of the way when we hose down bellies in the summer time. Nothing better than a belly wash, according to her!
Avenger, aka the Masked Avenger. Yes, he is quite the super hero! He is such a happy guy, all the time! He is also a rather nosy guy, he is interested in all we do, raking up poop, cleaning stock tanks, mostly when we drive in the UTV. He likes to rummage around to see if there is anything in the cupholders!
Athena, one of the seniors here, born in 2004 up in Vermont. She is a wallflower. She likes to be in the background, she likes to observe. She is a very smart lady. She always knows when something is "off" or up. When its time to round up for monthly vaccinations or for hoof trims, shearing, she is the last to be gathered. She knows! She really is a tough one to coerce into anything. Her stubbornness and energy is just a fraction of her charm.
Athena could use a sponsor, could that be you?
Cara, one of the eldest alpaca seniors here, born in 2002 in Vermont. She is an absolute love! Her most favorite thing is getting hosed down. She puts one leg out a time, stands for her belly, then turns around for her backside! She has the most piercing eyes and that grin... its hard not to give her whatever she wants!
Cara could use a sponsor, could that be you?