This year has literally been a wash. We started out spring strong, rearing and ready to go. A full project list and loads of motivation. We moved animals, loamed and seeded pens, worked our buns off at the pasture. Site work and access road were done and hopes of logging to begin. Then, the rain. Feels like months of endless rain. Months now lost to managing muddy paddocks and trying to keep the animals out of it! Digging trenches, fixing culverts. I suppose that’s New England for ya.
On a brighter note, we had a very successful fundraiser in the HomebrewBQ. Big thanks and gratitude to the volunteers, bands, brewers and attendees! We are really looking forward to an even better event next year! Also, we will begin planning a new fundraiser for Spring so stay tuned! we have such a great network of rescue friends that support us and us them. We will be doing a 50/50 Fundraiser to benefit the sanctuary and another local rescue. Keep an eye out for the details.
This year we had “closed our door” to new animals due to funding and accommodations but we were able to find a way to take in 2 goats- Billy and Cash, along with 2 more potbelly pigs- Pete and Pippi, as well as a small flock of hens and some ducks. We have never been ones to ask for donations and as many know, we raise the majority of funding through the products we make and of course our day jobs. After having to deny so many animals, we know we need to do better about asking for help. Many friends have had fundraisers for us and so many have donated!

We are excited to announce that though it’s still raining... progress is finally happening! Magzalea now calls over 93 acres home. 84 of those acres are old pine trees that are now diseased and dying. Every storm you can here them coming down. Logging has finally begun this week to bring new healthy life to the sanctuary. This will open up areas for the animals and give us the opportunity to plant more trees! This is a big step in our project. That being said, we will be doing some heavy fundraising to put towards fencing, building moveable shelters and another big project... a fostering area! Every year we are contacted by other rescues, shelters and owners of perfectly happy, healthy, pet worthy animals that just need a place to stay until their new family finds them. Sadly, we have not been able to do as much as we’d like in our present state. We are really hoping for some successful events and fundraising so we can make even more of a impact in the lives of animals.
I have had days where I just felt defeated, frustrated, heartbroken and our friends and supporters,

in addition to the beautiful faces we care for has been what keeps me going. To all that have had our backs on this journey: THANK YOU!
